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Remove access for russian IPs


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Since the end of soviet union Russia was aggressive as f*ck towards other countries, it attacked neighbouring countries and managed to avoid severe punishment(Moldova in 1992, Georgia in 2008, Ukraine in 2014, Chechnya).

But not this time, not in 2022, now we see how russian economy collapses finally and we need to make the most impact we can on people of Russia to force those slimes, inactive citizens of their country who think it's not their fault, but their government's fault, to do something finally against Putin and his henchmen, make a rebellion and overthrow corrupt piece of sh*t government. 

All russian people are accountable for their government, for inability to change it, for being passive and not doing anything, just waiting and hoping that one day it will go away. No, it's not how it works, you need to act, get f*cking molotov cocktails, find weapons and throw molotovs/shoot your policemen who try to put you in jail for participating in protests same as we did in Ukraine in 2014, we managed to overthrow our government, because we ain't slimes like you.

I ask NIDE administration to at least ban russian IPs from joining the server(they can use vpn) and you will see how less toxic server will become.

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  • Server Admin
4 minutes ago, Vasiliy said:

I ask NIDE administration to at least ban russian IPs from joining the server(they can use vpn) and you will see how less toxic server will become.

Server or yourself? . NiDE is a gaming community not the united nations. Instead of bitching about if why wont you go out of ur home and do something usefull for ur country? 

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All those russophiles xd, Russia has dealt the most damage to my country, I'm trying to isolate them from everywhere for that.

Edited by Vasiliy
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  • Technical Administrator
5 hours ago, Vasiliy said:

All russian people are accountable for their government, for inability to change it, for being passive and not doing anything, just waiting and hoping that one day it will go away.


Unfortunately @Vasiliy ☹️, the russians don’t live in Berlin or Paris, where participation in a protest gets you lots of pats on the back. You can end up with a concussion, or spend the night in jail, or be required to remove your underwear (for a cavity search ?), or possibly have a felony case opened against you. Given the current situation, we can’t exclude the possibility that protests will eventually be punishable by 20-year prison sentences or the death penalty for russians people. ?

Russians will get nothing out of this war, they will lose in the most monstrous possible way, it will be an immense catastrophe for the Russia, all he Russian will get is global hatred, a destroyed economy, a crushed society, and possibly a defeated army.

If you need to bring family in security to France contact me.

All european countries is with you.
The bravery of Ukrainians is a lesson to the world, never forget it. ✊ ??

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  • cmer unlocked this topic

Вась, это уже перебор, честно.  

Прежде всего это игра, русских людей на этом сервере нет смысла банить. Ну типо забанишь ты их, чё дальше, токсиков будет меньше? Не факт.

Я понимаю тебя, какое сейчас настроение, тебя люди тут понимают, что у тебя бомбят. Нормальный, здравомыслящий человек поймёт, что война ничего не даст. Я всё же не понимаю как в пропаганде вас называют "Нацистами" или же "Неонацистами", это пиздец. У нас итак много всего лишают того, что делают другие страны. Машины, техники. Цены у нас повышаются, нам тоже сейчас трудно живётся.

Edited by Rаiden
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On 3/2/2022 at 11:08 PM, .Revan said:

As a community we are neutral, we don’t pick sides.

theres a big ukrainian flag at the top of the website and a hashtag that says standwithukraine


i think someone did pick a side here


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On 3/2/2022 at 2:08 PM, .Revan said:


As a community we are neutral, we don’t pick sides. There will always be assholes no matter where you are. Online or in real life. 


Let's take a look at banner then on forums :^)

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