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Locked proper abuse


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as soon as i come in the server Lord Vader talks sh*t and starts an argument. So he starts an argument, keyword (STARTS) talking sh*t, and as soon as I say something he mutes for a week. I just said "sm me again because you're a literal soyboy." But I don't expect much considering what you think of me in game clouds your judgment in whos really right here so I'm just making this thread to let you all know most admins are really on the server just to find dirt on me for the smallest thing that anyone else does. Mutes me then proceeds to talk sh*t. LOL. 

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  • Server Admin

Everytime you connect when I'm on, you proceed to call my mother a whore, treat me as some abused dog, and tell me to kms.

You're also a general asshole to everyone else in the server.

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never told you to kys. Don't really say that but what does that have to do with the scenario we were in? past situations had nothing to do with you muting me in that moment. We're talking about the conversation we were in at that very moment and I say that all the time no one takes it seriously buddy. Just goes to show you're too sensitive to be on the internet.

Edited by ccc
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  • Developer

Please edit your first post with the correct informations of this template. 
Actualy there's no informations of when what you reported happen etc. (so we can't check!)
Topic locked until you edit the first post with the correct template.


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