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Everything posted by Apathy

  1. theres a big ukrainian flag at the top of the website and a hashtag that says standwithukraine i think someone did pick a side here
  2. one of the few nide admins to not f*ck up yet +1 also need more nosteam admins for the diversity
  3. whats the point csgo server will never be alive, should help revive the css one
  4. you might have had the connection time time in the past but what matters is now your playtime is only an hour and a half in the past month https://stats.nide.gg/hlstats.php?mode=playersessions&player=254262
  5. cant be worse than clownface +1
  6. you shouldn't ban anyone for avoiding losing points in knife maps instead you should reset their points back to 1000
  7. Apathy


    this post is literally just crying about not being able to play ff maps whenever you want
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