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Server Admin
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Everything posted by Heat

  1. Hi Koen, I have seen you on the server as a player and you are overall a good player that is not toxic and just enjoys playing ZE on the server. As a North American player myself it would be nice to have more admins on at those times when we do not currently have that many for those times. I think you would be a great addition to the team, good luck! +1
  2. Hello Nide, My roommate thinks its normal to put ketchup on eggs while i think the majority of people do not do this while he thinks the majority of people do. So please help us solve this by voting!
  3. I have never ran into this issue yet where a map is out of extends and it still has not been beaten and players want an additional extend. Usually i have players on the servers asking for an extend after we just completed a vote (where an extend was available) and the players on the server decided to select a new map. The current map should not be extended in this case as the server just voted on it. Also when the score of a map is maybe 0-5 and no where near being beaten and people want to an admin to extend even though there are none left. If this is the case i will also not extend as the current players in the server are not capable of beating it at that moment.
  4. Has been a good Donated admin to date, no issues, good map knowledge +1
  5. What makes this a Trilogy? I am not too familiar with these maps.
  6. Video Arcade Playback Ze_Super_mario_64_v2_b9 ze_pkmn_adventure_v8_6s_fix2 ze_minecraft_adventure_v1_2c ( I think this is the right one) ze_street_fight_with_autism_v3_1 ze_hobbitten_oldschool_v5_2 Play with VIP as well to spice things up
  7. Welcome to Nide! We need some good leaders on maps out there to lead the hoard of crazy people that play on Nide xD
  8. Welcome fellow traveler to NIDE. Look forward to you lurking in the shadows.
  9. Welcome to Nide! Looking forward to playing with you on the server!
  10. I am Neutral as well, i cannot recall playing with you.
  11. I will add more levels and probably additional boss fights as well. I appreciate the feedback!
  12. Yes, an ammo and heal item was added to the map.
  13. Hello all, My map that Hobbitteen has been so gracious to help me with is completed. You can find it on the server. For those of you who have played it, should i add more levels or move on to a new map? What are some things that i did in the map that you did not like or maybe wish i did? What are some things that you did like that? Any advice would be helpful for any future maps i may make in the future to help make the gameplay better would be great!
  14. Good player, communicates positvely with everyone, isn't toxic, and overall good person. Would make a great Admin. +1
  15. Should i bring my swim trunks and sunscreen?
  16. Welcome to Nide. See you on the server!
  17. I think we have too many g*y admins as it is, loves lasers and ff, I think that sums it up pretty well.... -1
  18. Yeah, i am not so keen on laser maps as well.
  19. +1 Active on Server and has been a good, donated admin.
  20. I see your concern for time on the server and there is an explanation to that. I was playing on a buddies CSS account for the last few months. I have recently gotten my PC back and are now using my original account that i have had since 2007. i did not want to apply until then as it was required and not fair to the players of this server to have an admin that could not be on consistently. I have played on this server for a while and definitely more than the 10 hours my account says I have played. I hope this helps clear things up and your concern of my time spent on the Nide server for this important request to maintain the fun and enjoyment that i and others have on the Nide server. I Can check later to see how many hours i have played on the other account on the Nide server to help. Hi just searched the other account that i was playing, the Steam ID is STEAM_0:1:58205235 GobbaGhooul where i have 5 Days of total time on the server ?
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