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Locked Ban for aimbot from Shepherd


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1: Your own ingame name:  burnout
2: Your own steam-ID: 76561198015513610
3: Name of the admin(s) involved: shepherd
4: What server did it happen on: Zombie Revival ● NiDE.GG ● Unlimited Ammo
5: What map: sry cant remember
6: Time and date: 05-12-21 01:29
7: Explain the situation:
First came to that server. I noticed that the ammo was infinite and was constantly shooting around without hitting anyone (just fun)
Then, in the spot, I shot at the barrels to make a cover out of them. And then I took part in the killing of a couple of zombies that came to our spot. Perhaps one of them was the admin. Then I got banned for aimbot. 
Why didn't he record a demo? If this is due to endless shooting at the walls - check I did not hit anyone.

8: Proof: logs

PS: ban link https://bans.nide.gg/index.php?p=banlist&advSearch=STEAM_0:0:27623941&advType=steamid&Submit

Edited by Burnout
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