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Nide ZE/ZR Has Been Upgraded! ×

Locked Life is a bitch abusing


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1: Your own ingame name : seal
2: Your own steam-ID: STEAM_0:0:7040098 
3: Name of the admin(s) involved: life is a bitch
4: What server did it happen on: nide ze 
5: What map: uchiha
6: Time and date: 14:20 14/06/2023 
7: Explain the situation: he gag me for no reason
8: Proof- https://prnt.sc/RBskI4Qxh8YN

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  • Developer

Thanks for the report.

I will have a talk with him about the gag to understand why he did that.
Your gag is already expired.
I close this report and we will handle it with higher staff. 

Have a nice day.

  • Homiekiss 3
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