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Nide ZE/ZR Has Been Upgraded! ×

Locked appy for admin server


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Your Name and Age. (Remember that you can only apply if you're 18+ )


georgi kostov 21 year old


Your Discord UserName: (RoshkoNSP#0847 for example)




STEAM_0 and which server you applying for ( ZE-CSS/CSGO or ZR-CSS ) :



this VAC-BAN is bcz my profile been hacked and playing with cheat on CS-GO




How long are you playing CSS ?

i have been playing CSS since 2010 year starting date is 26 july 2010 year i most play zombie server 


You will need minimun of 72h of connection time (3 days)

 currently have 2 days and 23 hours of connection time on the NiDE ZE server.


Needs a minimum of 1+ players and 3+ admins to get approved + Lead admins will have the final word.



Why do you think we should take you into the team? What knowledge do you have, what is important for you ON a server or in the community?


so for me the first place is the respect for the admins for the players i personally will keep to the fact that there are no fauds to keep the respect,i have an idea of what should be done

as an admin because i am active in another server of mine however,i am interested in yours i promise that that if i beacome an admin of the server i will follow things very strictly


Which experiences do you have about being an ADMIN and other things that can benefit us having you as an admin?

so again i say if i beacome an admin first of all i will be strict about the attitude of all players towards each other i will monitor if someone is not playing with hack etc.


Some details about yourself, what are you doing right now, how often do you think you'll play on the server?

i work and study at the same time i live in Bulgaria Sofia i work in a programming compamy and study management i work from 9:30 to 16;30 and i have a lot of time to play i combine my things according to the scheudule it depends

here is a small question need to answer it , imagine if you are a new admin on the server and there is a player he is being specious to using Aimbot, And you need to deal with him  how will you deal with that? Write your answer  in full details more detailed answer mean better answer , new admin applications should consider this question .  

so this issue is not unknown to me as i have faced such difficulties i act on the principle of warning like that first time and if he does not deing to stop using the given hack i just act and ban him i stand by it and it will always be like that.I do not condone using the hack

Edited by ROSHKO BG
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  • CS:S ZE Lead Server Admin

Ive seen you ingame quite abit, know youve been donated admin for a while. Tho what i get from your application is that youre maybe not quite ready yet to be a server admin, maybe if you study in donated admin more and become more active (you barely have 3 days connection time) i could give you a +1, for now. ill stay neutral

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  • Event Manager

I dont really know you that much and the times iv seen you is only today at the main nide event and you typed rtv both times u joined :v
idk what to think but u are not ready for admin yet, maybe give it more time to the server and get to know the community and the community to know you.

For now i will remain NEUTRAL , Good luck.

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-1 you probably have no knowledge of ZE or how to be an admin even though you've been donadmin for few months and the few times I played with you, I had to mute you because you were either talking over the leader or making some animal noises

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Hello Roshko, after some consideration we have decided that you don't fit our admin team as you are right now. Thus, your application is declined.
However, this does not mean that doors for applying are closed for the future, you can always apply again in the future.

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