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🔧 Server Maintenance Notice - Counter-Strike: Source 🔧 ×

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  • Ingame Nickname: Doogla
  • Discord username: Doogla
  • Age: 26
  • SteamID: STEAM_0:1:186689840
  • What server are you applying for (ZR or ZE server?): Zombie Escape Server

Optional: (Feel free to answer one or more questions)

Why are you interested in applying for admin? I'm here because I've been hooked on ze ever since I found it. I think that playing together as a team with 63 other people trying to get to the end of a map is just the coolest thing. I enjoy a variety of maps and like to guide other people through things I'm familiar with (It's a good feeling to have the answer to something). I love the spam(to an extent on maps like atix lol), the try hard maps, the solo maps, and just the little ins and outs of what the mappers have in store for us. I think I have the right judgment in the moment of what needs to be done and when I make mistakes, I learn from them.


What time zone are you active in (NA or EU hours)? I live in NA East. I'm on typically in the later hours of evening after work. I'm on sometimes during the day on my days off.

How long have you been playing on the server which you applied for? I started Playing on NiDE after the launch of cs2 and the lackluster game experience on there. I have dropped by a few times throughout the years, but source was never my main game until recently.

How experienced are you in the gamemode for which you applied? I'm very experienced in the game mode. I started CS:GO ze in 2017 and have roughly 2000 hours on the game mode.

Do you have any past admin experience? Negative.

Do you have any other skills like (Mapping, Plugins, Drawing, Video editing etc. Unfortunately no, and to be honest I have no interest in a majority of those things. Perhaps I'll be interested with some of the basics in the future. I'm here because I enjoy the ze gamemode and NiDE is the spot!

  • Haha 1
  • Thanks 1

After read your optional answer and I very impressive you when you ping/need me and play map streetfight in discord. Also, you have been played with me many time. Nothing bad from you.

So easy +1 from me.

Goodluck with your application.

  • Thanks 1
1 minute ago, Starlight-Dash said:

After read your optional answer and I very impressive you when you ping/need me and play map streetfight in discord. Also, you have been played with me many time. Nothing bad from you.

So easy +1 from me.

Goodluck with your application.

Appreciate it! Also, we beat the last stage pretty easily last night, sorry you couldn't make it!

  • Wow 1
  • Server Admin

You're a talkative player, everytime i joined the server i already heard your fkin voice before i see the map, that a good thing but stop talking off-topic over Tex like u did last night event (just a little bit xD). I can see you like to lead even though it doesnt help but you making progress. You can be a good leader if you really focus on it.

I would give you a try so +1 from me.
Good Luck!! buddy.

  • Super 1
  • Server Admin

Doogla messaged me easily 50 times asking me to +1 this admin application. I was completely against it until he sent the feet pics, then i will +1


Seriously though, +1, this dude know maps and doesn't build jew tunnels like @ Heat

  • Haha 1
  • Super 1
3 hours ago, Tex said:

Doogla messaged me easily 50 times asking me to +1 this admin application. I was completely against it until he sent the feet pics, then i will +1


Seriously though, +1, this dude know maps and doesn't build jew tunnels like @ Heat


  • Homiekiss 1
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