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Locked Lmntrix is high


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2:No Needs
3: Lmntrix
4: Nide ze
5: Tyranny
6: 9:30 am
7:  rud was asking for respawn cuz he crashed i told him that lead admin is bad he is just perma gagged and perma mute + this kicked me and he starts controlling my vip and talks sh*t with my name

8: check demos + rud was there he cant tell what happend exactly. lol

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Lmntrix provocated wael, Lmntrix by admin abuse changed wael's tag to I'm f*cking gay, after that wael raged and said something like lmntrix ur retard, after what lmntrix just kicked wael, in my opinion that's provocating.

Edited by RuD
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  • Server Admin

I was playing at the time, I saw Lmntrix control wael's vip, and Lmntrix also provoked wael

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And also ebanned me for using "Troll push" even tho there was more zombies, ice, hedge and other items down, it was 100% over.

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  • Server Admin

well after i checked the demo  twice rud clearly didnt crash in the rounds that he asked to respawn , he just basically was mother zombie 

here are 2 screen shots abput the rounds where he spawned as mother zm 



and this round as well 


and here some of rud and wael chat log where they were asking for a respawn 

wael's chat log 



there was also some provocing from wael started 


rud's chat log  there is also some provoking from him 




so about the crash part  it was clearly a lie 

so you started provoking Lmntrix about something that didnt happed  and made a report about it  (i mean the crash here )

i agree there were some over reacting from him like kicking you and playing with name and vip tag and those thing shouldnt came from him and almost all 3 of you where insulting each other  

Lmntrix's chat log 

he also shouldnt over react like that 

i also i agree about the mute wasnt totally  justified since you didnt use the mic at all , and about the perma duration he gagged and muted you from sourcebans then he edited the duration to 3hrs , and about ebanning rud for push  when the round was over he unebanned him later , and about the bad player who picked up ice yeah the admins there they should transfer it since he was so bad with ice but anyway he got ebanned later and mistakes could happen there were only 1 admin he was human and the others were zms and zms admins cant see the hud  . 

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I'm sorry i didnt deny wael's first line about me crashing , that was a "Jokes" , but about vip, it's serious.

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  • Server Admin

event if it was joke that joke went too far and admins cant differantiate between if that one was a joke or talking seriuosly plus non of Wael or Rud mentioned that was joke in the topic before 

well anyway i am waiting for an explaination from Lmntrix about messing with vip tag and using his name 

topic closed 

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