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CS:S ZE Lead Server Admin
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Everything posted by lewis12309

  1. Too lazy to provide any useful information for us? On a serious note though, complaining about your punishment here is one thing. Completing your report is a whole other story as this actually helps us do our job and tends to your issue much faster. You, not bothering to provide your own SteamID, the admin's name, time/date, and the map, shows us you're not taking this the right way. Closed
  2. From what I've discussed with the other LSAs regarding this situation, the user that had wind was killed by earth, so Kayn brought the wind user as zombie, revived him and transferred earth. This is yet another false report against our staff with the sole purpose of trying to get them punished. Along with closing this report, I'm also restricting your forum account with a 3-day ban from posting threads until 09/04/2024. LSAs and Management will discuss this further and issue an amendment to this date if required. Closed
  3. Kayn said "no shooting" and didn't shoot because in this situation with few admins, he wouldn't have been able to control the situation and would've received complaints asking why he slayed a random person but not someone else etc. He was trying to be nice and not slay anyone. Striker thought the map had a failsafe system in some of our maps where in the event of an item knocking out the entire zombie team, a random zombie gets TPed to safe spot and is then returned to the zombie spawn with everyone respawning afterwards, preventing the team from being killed entirely and causing a false win. He has admitted he was unaware that the system wasn't in place initally and has reported this so that it can be added in by our developers via stripper. Finally, please stop trying to target us when we do a single bad thing. I closed one of your previous reports for lack for information and you instantly made a callout post that didn't even follow the report format. We're all here to help each other, that's all. In short, Kayn was trying to be nice and Striker was unaware of the ultima failsafe not being implemented. Please don't blame our admins for this as we're only human after all. Closed
  4. After reviewing the footage, I can confirm that was an intentional troll. Nobody I know would 180 earth like that AFTER the boss is effectively dead. @ Kayn has already increased your eban to 6 months as a result. Please take a note from all this. Closed
  5. Welcome to the team! Accepted!
  6. Welcome to the team! Accepted!
  7. Joke topic has been moved from Player Reports to General Discussion
  8. We can’t take action if you can’t be bothered to provide the STEAMID of the player you’re trying to report, nor if you don’t bother to provide your own information. Fix it before you repost please. Closed
  9. lewis12309


    Following further discussion with @ Life is a Bitch , we have decided to reduce both your punishments. Your ban has been reduced to one day, whilst your mute/gag has been reduced to one week. Thank you for your understanding.
  10. lewis12309


    I'm not going to sugarcoat this: You've changed and not for the better. You knew what you were doing by nominating paranoid then nomlocking it with 30 seconds at the last minute. The gag for that was deserved. As for the ban, you've been on a trolling streak lately by doing anything in the book that can get you punished, as noted by your eban a couple days ago, and your kban that I issued back in January. On all accounts, this is also justified so that you can actually spend time reflecting on these events instead of just deciding to rush back in and do it again. Your punishments are justifed and won't be adjusted. As Rushaway stated, your punishments will be legthened if we catch you evading with an alt. I hope for all our sakes, you learn a valuable lesson from this. Closed
  11. Closing this report as it doesn’t follow the format. Locked
  12. Putting aside the lack of effort you put into this appeal, I've watched the demo and I was not impressed by your actions. Parta was trying to lead frozentemple, and you were talking over him most of the time. He was putting effort in by attempting to lead the map for everyone, and you were shittalking him on mic for everybody to hear. I'd also want to point out that I didn't see "causual shit talking", but rather the kind that was directly targetting an individual. You should know this is considered to be harrassment and isn't tolerated. The mute was justified on all ends as a result, and will not be removed. Closed
  13. It's always nice to see a former admin come back to help us out. Welcome back, Ruby! Accepted!
  14. I recall seeing you a while ago on the jailbreak server you've mentioned, and it's interesting to see you applying for another server. I wish you all the best as I welcome you to the admin team! Accepted!
  15. There's some potential in you, so why not give you a shot? Welcome to the team! Accepted!
  16. CSS Zombie Escape Event #304 "Maps NiDE don't play often!" "These maps were selected by @ Midknight from our nominations poll!" 28/01/24 - 4PM GMT+1 "15 Days of VIP to winners!" Maps to be played ze_temple_raider_b4 [Download Here] ze_madara_temple_v1fix [Download Here] ze_moltentemple_a5 [Download Here] Times of the event France (Paris) 28/01/24 @ 4PM GMT+1:00 USA (New York) 28/01/24 @ 10AM GMT-5:00 India (Delhi) 28/01/24 @ 8:30PM GMT+5:30 Australia (Sydney) 29/01/24 @ 2AM GMT+11:00 Russia (Moscow) 28/01/24 @ 7PM GMT+3:00 If you don't see your timezone here, you can convert GMT+1 by clicking on this link. Special rules (if any) Rules will be enforced strictly during the event: spam in the microphone and trolling will not be allowed and will be punished without a warning. Leaders are rewarded with extra VIP days for helping. Leader Anyone willing to lead [extra rewards] Rewards Winning the last stage of the map ze_temple_raider_b4 will grant you 5 days of vip. Winning the last stage of the map ze_madara_temple_v1fix will grant you 5 days of vip. Winning the last stage of the map ze_moltentemple_a5 will grant you 5 days of vip. Server: CSS Zombie Escape IP: Steam event link: NiDE Steam Group
  17. CSS Zombie Escape Event #304 "Maps NiDE don't play often!" "These maps were selected by @ Midknight from our nominations poll!" 28/01/24 - 4PM GMT+1 "15 Days of VIP to winners!" Maps to be played ze_temple_raider_b4 [Download Here] ze_madara_temple_v1fix [Download Here] ze_moltentemple_a5 [Download Here] Times of the event France (Paris) 28/01/24 @ 4PM GMT+1:00 USA (New York) 28/01/24 @ 10AM GMT-5:00 India (Delhi) 28/01/24 @ 8:30PM GMT+5:30 Australia (Sydney) 29/01/24 @ 2AM GMT+11:00 Russia (Moscow) 28/01/24 @ 7PM GMT+3:00 If you don't see your timezone here, you can convert GMT+1 by clicking on this link. Special rules (if any) Rules will be enforced strictly during the event: spam in the microphone and trolling will not be allowed and will be punished without a warning. Leaders are rewarded with extra VIP days for helping. Leader Anyone willing to lead [extra rewards] Rewards Winning the last stage of the map ze_temple_raider_b4 will grant you 5 days of vip. Winning the last stage of the map ze_madara_temple_v1fix will grant you 5 days of vip. Winning the last stage of the map ze_moltentemple_a5 will grant you 5 days of vip. Server: CSS Zombie Escape IP: Steam event link: NiDE Steam Group View full record
  18. And the winner is: Event Nomination #4: "Maps NiDE don't play often!" - by @ Midknight ze_temple_raider_b4 ze_madara_temple_v1fix ze_moltentemple_a5 Kickers: None. Congratulations!
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