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Everything posted by DeMoN

  1. I will just say,f*ck the lasers and the unskilled laser fags,bring back the old glory of defending maps.
  2. 42-The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition
  3. I respect your effort for the report but please use the template : Topic closed.
  4. Banned. Thanks for the report! Topic locked.
  5. If you can send us some screenshots here we can act to prevent this guy from further toxicity. I know that u don't lie and it's annoying when someone spams you in private but with some good proof I can help you.
  6. U didn't use Report Template and there is no proof in your topic. Please read : Locked.
  7. 1+ Well written,talkative and nice player and also active.
  8. Look,I'm not telling you guys to shut up or anything,we just want to see Bacon reply as well.
  9. Let's see Bacon's opinion,after all he is the one who is banned not you guys.
  10. And now many teammates left alive ? Half of the team was dead after this fire and yes,it's our fault in some ways that we didn't moved but still I don't see any acting from him to try to save us.He just went in the corner and watched his team dying.
  11. This bug is common,not only in dreaming.I've seen it 1000 of times,let's wait for Bacon to reply :).
  12. That's my point Plex,he didn't jumped. "We at the boss fight in dreamin and the boss used an attack. That's when I suppose to heal. I tried to heal but it wouldn't work. i tried jumping with the item and using still didnt work." Even he said that he "tried" to jump, I don't see any jumping at all.
  13. Are you kidding me ? You always have to jump and try to use it,that's the way and it always will be. Don't mess around man,I don't play this game from 1 week.
  14. Bro,he even said that he tried to jump. Do you see him jumping in the video ?
  15. Items has always been like this,even when I started playing zombie escape back in the years. Your arguments are not justified,for 100th time he didn't even jumped to use it.
  16. First,heal got range and can reach at least half of the team. Second,one day ban is too much in your opinion but in my eyes what he did is considered as teamkill/troll and on the top of that he lied to us that he jumped. Third, if it's a false ban we will apologize and remove it,but there is a proof and I don't think that his action was right when he had heal ready.
  17. Plex read what he said my man. "I tried to jump" . Do you see him in the video jumping or anything ? Because I don't.
  18. I might not take it seriously but Bacon probably did. I don't know what's in his head but u can see in the video what happend. I won't really gonna waste my time with arguments about this because the video clearly shows the situation.
  19. You know whats funny ? We got demos and we can see everything. I recorded a video that perfectly shows that u didn't even jumped to save us. Don't lie , it's not in your favour at all. Also plex,I paused the video so people can see in the chat that u clearly tell him not to use the heal.
  20. Admin frozen for 3 days.Thanks for the report!
  21. Yea it's true,freeze my admin or whatever.
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