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Locked perma ban


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I got perma banned and no one seems to care when I come on my alt that is clearly my name so instead of just simply unbanning me they want me to take the complicated route so here it goes: May I receive an unban? No clue why it was perma ban but you know cant blame nide admins. Also if you're going to complain about me going on an alt everyone goes on an alt on your server. Its way too easy to avoid, but I'm not gonna get into that, just gonna be nice and ask for the unban.  Also I want to get unbanned so I don't have to sign out of my account and log in one of 964375964 of my alts, too much work. and so I can sh*t talk ruo hes trash.

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Hello christo!

Lemme tell you a thing:

if you dare you avoiding the ban with your ALTERNATIVE account, your main account and your ALTERNATIVE account will be permanently banned too, so just need to make an appeal for your ban and wait for them to respond, if they give you a chance to play it again, change your mind and be a good player, if they reduce your ban for like 1 week, 2 weeks, etc. just wait till the ban expired (you can check on bans.nide.gg about your bans), but if they don't give you a chance, that's your pain for not being a good player, so be a good player! ?

Just wait for LSA(Lead Server Admin)'s to respond your topic, thanks for reporting.

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1 hour ago, christo said:

they don't perma ban on this server just so you know because you're new but ik what im doing thanks 

sin is an admin. even tho its a trial admin but still an admin. like sin said dont use alternative account to avoid your ban make an appeal someone will decide on your appeal. ps dont treat my trial admin buddy like sh*t sin knows what he is talking about. dont be a wank stain

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  • CS:S ZE Lead Server Admin

Yes you got perma banned. Stay on the complicated route, will be the best for everyone. 
When you arrive at a point you are perma, at least you try, but perma is perma. Until I am in the team no one or even higher up will touch the perma.
No clue why you were perma? 23 bans, last one you avoid like you said so perma is forever.
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