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Locked Frodo admin abuse.

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Guest TwinPeaks

1: Your own ingame name  TwinPeaks
2: Your own steam-ID  https:/steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197967967874
3: Name of the admin(s) involved mr.frodo
4: What server did it happen on nide ze
5: What map some roof top map
6: Time and date 2021-10-09 about 19:30
7: Explain the situation.    i come into the server about 19:20 and all i hear is russian kids litteraly screaming and talking in russian, so i tell them to stfu. After some time of me doing this Xen kills about half the ct team with flamethrower and as i get frustreded i tell this russsian kids to stfu even more. After a little more time i ask frodo to do his jobb since xeh didnt get banned or anything for teamkilling ct's and frodo still hasnt muted these kids. He insted mutes me with reason "stop"

Iam reporing this admin because he is not doing his job. he picks what he wants to go against and does it, if someone abuser is hes friend he wont do anything and this is dangerous considering hes an admin.

Mvh Twin ? 
8: Proof  [SourceComms++] Mr.Frodo: Issued an extended gag on High im Twin! for 10 minutes (reason: "please stop).

[SourceComms++] Mr.Frodo: Issued an extended mute on High im Twin! for 10 minutes (reason: "dont).

As a regular player on nide, I can say this is a really common thing for this specific admin to do, encouraging people to spam mic and not banning players for trolling, muting or gagging players when hes in the wrong. I also don't see why Mr Frodo muted Twin Peaks for telling the kids to be quiet, as Mr Frodo was not doing "Job" correctly.

Also aren't admins supposed to have decent map knowledge as I have seen him slay or eban incorrectly on frequently played maps

Edited by nothai.
  • Haha 2

Hello there TwinPeak, Well I agree that he should have banned the teamkilling person after all it's not allowed either is it a tryhard map or some chill map (especially tryhard ones ofc). About you were saying that there were Russian kids who were screaming then yes they should've been muted but if they are talking in Russian then they don't have to get muted unless there is a leader who's leading a tryhard map or something you know what I mean because I remember when I was a trail I got freezed for 1 day for muting 2 russian speaking kids so it is allowed to speak any language in microphone since you have been admin  here for a long time I know you would probably know about it but yeah leave it to upper heads.


Guest TwinPeaks
39 minutes ago, AHS said:

Hello there TwinPeak, Well I agree that he should have banned the teamkilling person after all it's not allowed either is it a tryhard map or some chill map (especially tryhard ones ofc). About you were saying that there were Russian kids who were screaming then yes they should've been muted but if they are talking in Russian then they don't have to get muted unless there is a leader who's leading a tryhard map or something you know what I mean because I remember when I was a trail I got freezed for 1 day for muting 2 russian speaking kids so it is allowed to speak any language in microphone since you have been admin  here for a long time I know you would probably know about it but yeah leave it to upper heads.


its not that they were talking in russian. its that they do it with mics that are WAY louder than everyone elses. and they have this f*cking static that hurts my ears

  • CS:S ZE Lead Server Admin

Hello Twin,
Thanks for giving more details, since it was not on roof but on atix.
They were not spamming, and fact they had shit mic can be boring and indeed admin should tell people who use mic with shitty configuration to fix that until they use it again.
But you could have also !sm them instead of spam STFU loud over and over. Which leads Frodo to mute you for a good reason.
About the other issue, you mention Frodo did not punish someone for trolling. But mistakes can happen, but I would be interested to know : which map, when and warn Frodo about that ..... But also punish the troller since it s the only main problem I saw after checking the demos.
Feel free to send me more details in PM
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