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🔧 Server Maintenance Notice - Counter-Strike: Source 🔧 ×

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1 : Mivec

2: I want to administrate the css ze server

3: Does old nide count as experience? If not then yeah , no experience.

4: A few actually. 1- On my timezone , there's usually quite a few players but often , no admins on. 2- Sick of all the admin abuse and I just wanna make "new nide" honestly fucking amazing for players without having to experience what old nide had to "offer" 

5: Uh I lenny a lot in chat and like using the knife to defend? and also im currently attempting to get f12's of all lazer maps

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Dear Mivec

We could not consider your application for several reasons.

But we still wish you a lot of fun on our server and always stay positive, maybe it will be better next time.

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