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Nide ZE/ZR Has Been Upgraded! ×

Locked balone's admin app


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1. Your Name and Age.

My name is balone(18years old)

2. Your Discord UserName:


3. Steam_ID:


4. How long are you playing CSS ?:


5. Why do you think we should take you into the team? What knowledge do you have, what is important for you ON a server or in the community?:

I wanna be the part of the admin team. If player has complaint, i will help him as i can. 

6 Which experiences do you have about being an ADMIN and other things that can benefit us having you as an admin? :

I was a donator admin on this server before.

7. Some details about yourself, what are you doing right now, how often do you think you'll play on the server? :

 I am studying at the school, playing css everyday so i can always be on the server.

8. here is a small question need to answer it , imagine if you are a new admin on the server and there is a player he is being specious to using Aimbot, And you need to deal with him how will you deal with that? Write your answer in full details more detailed answer mean better answer, new admin applications should consider this question.

I will spec him, then will give a warning(kick). If he won't off cheats, i will ban him for 1-3 days.

i was trolling before but now everyone is doing this, it's getting boring and i want to deal with trolls myself, i will try to be better.

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  • Server Admin

You never specified what server you're applying for, which, if I remember correctly, is a required part of applications.
Either way, remaining neutral for now.

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10 hours ago, balone said:

i was trolling before but now everyone is doing this, it's getting boring and i want to deal with trolls myself, i will try to be better.

so u troll but once u get troll u get annoyed and want to ban them, got it

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  • CS:S ZE Lead Server Admin


I don’t see much relating to why we should have you on the team, or the knowledge you’d bring. To me, it looks like a quickly thought up response with little effort put in.

Edited by lewis12309
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  • Event Manager

I've seen you in-game before and i've heard you spam a little (too much), sometimes, in non-autism hours, but not like you are toxic or anything i actually dont see you as a troll/toxic but maybe a little soundboard spammer xd, if you keep down the spam a little more and start being more like a leader for some maps or atleast be more 'admin like' in the chat, responding to others who need help for commands like !zmarket-!sm-etc or calling out the trolls, etc... (i mean changing the way you are in the game) and maybe i might change my vote

BUT for now i will stay NEUTRAL, i hope you understand and go for the better as always 🙂

pd: i really dont know you that much, if im wrong in any way please tell me xd

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  • CS:S ZE Server Manager

I'm gonna remain neutral on this matter. While the few times I've been online, you seem really chill and know your way around ZE. However, I'm inactive so can't form a complete opinion until I've observed you enough.

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