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Nide ZE/ZR Has Been Upgraded! ×

Locked I ask you to unban me on the server, I was wrong and realized my mistake, I will try not to do this anymore in the future


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1: My ingame name:Geroin-Fest]--[|||||]---- 
2: My SteamID:STEAM_0:0:80500936
3: Name of the admin involved:Midknight
4: What server did it happen on:
5: Map:
6: What server did it happen on:
7: What server did it happen on:
8: Proof

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  • CS:S ZE Lead Server Admin

You are missing some important information, so I'm going to have to close this report.

Please remake your post with the following required information asked on our template:

  • The server where the punishment occured
  • The name of the map you were playing
  • The date and time of the punishment
  • An explanation with as much detail as you can provide
  • Proof such as photo evidence, video recordings or demo files with estimated tick values for when the punishment happened (Do not use "check demo" as an excuse to leave this blank)


  • Angry 1
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