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Nide ZE/ZR Has Been Upgraded! ×

Locked ColdZero Ban


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In-Game Name: ColdZero
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:26621159
Banned by: Sausage Clicker
Server: Zombie Escape :: NiDE.GG :: Rank|FastDL|SSD

Reason: nice glitch potato

Hi, i was just banned by admin "Sausage Clicker" with the reason "nice glitch potato"

I'm not new to the Zombie Escape gamemod and it was never my intention to abuse any glitches. Honestly I'm unaware of what exact glitch i used. The only thing I can imagine it was because my walking speed was a bit faster then usual. But that was due the reason I joined the server for the first time this day. The zombies were already chosen and I was spamming my Enter-Button to still join the round, which was successful. Dunno if it's an usual effect caused by the Mod itself but most time after the speed disappears. Happens on most maps. In my console-log down below you can see, that I wasnt like waiting in spec to this. I was just a late joiner.


Like I said it was never my intention to use a glitch and I appologise if I did.  Still I'm asking to remove my ban.

Kind regards




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@ColdZero hey mate, i rewatched the demo and can confirm you did not even come close to glitching. I must apologise for this 1 day ban and will unban you immediately. 

As you may or may not know, there has been a glitch enabling mother zombies to spawn again as humans on both Nide and Unloze, and players usually do this on ff maps to ensure they can jump their daily does of lasers. Hopefully by tmr this will be fixed, however, it does not excuse my actions. I can confirm the player who did do this on the round you were banned was also named with a C and thus i f*cked up.

Please accept my deepest apologies, you have done nothing wrong, strafe walking is complete legal. Once again, I am very sorry I have ruined your day.


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