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  • Ingame Nickname:NR=CIA/DJ/stop/DJ/me
  • Discord username:St
  • Age:14
  • SteamIDSTEAM_0:1:174132907
  • What server are you applying for (ZR or ZE server?):ZR

Optional: (Feel free to answer one or more questions)

Why are you interested in applying for admin?I was like an month an admin donator and i really have fun to help thee people in there.I would like to support my family and ban someone  to support all etc.I like it that when i have helped that the players in there are happy.Thats why im interested.
What time zone are you active in (NA or EU hours)?Im in EU active 19-23
How long have you been playing on the server which you applied for? Im playing in the server since 2022 but i was active in 2023 now i have play for 500hours in the server
How experienced are you in the gamemode for which you applied? Im well expirenced ,because people like DJ spiderman,Ire.,Alex,Nero,Subzero and Miauuu have learned me alot of things that i must know to be an admin . I know the basic things and some tricks.
Do you have any past admin experience? I have buy some donated admin for 1 month. Yea im expierenced
Do you have any other skills like (Mapping, Plugins, Drawing, Video editing etc) I have none skills unfortunately. I hope you like the application guys

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  • Server Admin
Posted (edited)
50 minutes ago, cia said:


  • Ingame Nickname:NR=CIA/DJ/stop/DJ/me
  • Discord username:St
  • Age:14
  • SteamIDSTEAM_0:1:174132907
  • What server are you applying for (ZR or ZE server?):ZR

Optional: (Feel free to answer one or more questions)

Why are you interested in applying for admin?I was like an month an admin donator and i really have fun to help thee people in there.I would like to support my family and ban someone  to support all etc.I like it that when i have helped that the players in there are happy.Thats why im interested.
What time zone are you active in (NA or EU hours)?Im in EU active 19-23
How long have you been playing on the server which you applied for? Im playing in the server since 2022 but i was active in 2023 now i have play for 500hours in the server
How experienced are you in the gamemode for which you applied? Im well expirenced ,because people like DJ spiderman,Ire.,Alex,Nero,Subzero and Miauuu have learned me alot of things that i must know to be an admin . I know the basic things and some tricks.
Do you have any past admin experience? I have buy some donated admin for 1 month. Yea im expierenced
Do you have any other skills like (Mapping, Plugins, Drawing, Video editing etc) I have none skills unfortunately. I hope you like the application guys

1. change your activity, you rarely go to the server, I see this because I’m constantly on the server, so far I haven’t seen any other reasons.

2.500 hours on the server is not enough, since you don’t know many things related to the gameplay, this is important

3.you're not old  enough



Edited by _zloy_
  • Sad 1
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Posted (edited)
Vor 2 Stunden sagte _zloy_:

1. I dort have a PC or laptop i can play when i sleep in my uncles house

3.Did you know miauu He is 10 and is Server Administrator He said it to me xdd



Edited by cia
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I would give you a chance but at age 14 i think is too childish for taking server responsibilities as admin. 

i wish you the best luck. Vote is neutral

  • Super 1
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  • Server Admin

-1 for several reasons

1. You just recently began playing again after being absent for far too long. You have to be consistently active. Not just be active for a short time, then disappear for a while.

2. You have applied in the past & did the same. Play for a bit, then take off again.

3. You should consider the Donated Admin if you expect to familiarize yourself with admin commands.

4. Given your age, I'm not sure you would qualify, but that's not up to me.

That concludes all that I had to say.

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Look i dont have an pc or Laptop and can come online when i sleep at my uncles House i have School and dont be 24/7 online.i learn Mann about admin im reader Dj Spider teach me all 

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  • Server Admin

Hello CIA ! 
From me also -1 

You just now returning to server after long time , don’t thinks u have enough experience about admin responsibilities + little too young.

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  • Server Admin
57 minutes ago, cia said:

I trinken you guys aber right i must play more for admin and Donated admin is better for me first.Thank you for the comments i will and want lernen of my mistakes

don't be upset, it's only temporary, you can prove otherwise

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  • Server Admin
1 minute ago, _zloy_ said:

don't be upset, it's only temporary, you can prove otherwise

I was once the same, and I applied more than 4 times, and each time I changed something about myself

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22 hours ago, Reverse-Flash cia said:


yea nvm xd

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