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Locked mobile swift bias punishment

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1: My ingame name: Verdessence
2: My SteamIDSTEAM_0:1:435248625
3: Name of the admin(s) involved: Mobile Task Force Leader Gunner
4: What server did it happen on: CSS ZE
5: Map: ze_mist_v1_3 
6: Time and date: august 24 2024 approximately 2pm
7: Explanation of the situation
apparently saying "wtf" as mobile suddenly talks coincidentally the same time i did = overleading, like, wtf is overleading? other people can't provide supporting lead when sometimes leader doesn't know whats up? bullshit, also, i wasn't leading anyway after he set himself to leader (note that i didn't know who nommed the map, and who was going to lead, apparently vndrew said mobiles gonna but pegi talked over so i couldn't hear), i forgot why i was saying wtf, most likely lag or sorts but still, i assumed it was clear grounds because the gap between him talking earlier and talking later is vast, don't make me mention also with lunala talking over leader mentioning zombies which would constitute of his vague reasoning of "overleading", why wouldn't he be muted by that? (29500 tick) even still with inside talking over mobile mentioning zombies also, why wasn't he muted by that with the same reasoning as mine? (38500 tick) (THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH INSIDE OR LUNALA BTW) if you are to mute me with that reason, provide equal punishment to others also, i don't care if you find me annoying, i don't care if you are his friends also, if you have bias against me, keep your feelings towards me away and actually punish me with a valid reason, not some bullshit reason like "overlead". its not even "talking over leader" also as it was coincidental timing, how tf am i supposed to know mobile was gonna talk or not? i even stopped talking when he talked, but he also stopped talking when i talked, it was an awkward timing, but even still, he could've just recovered himself and said what he was suppose to say instead of getting his hands on the keyboard ready to type my name in !mute command. its also not good on your image when you call me a whiner as i know that you're in the wrong for providing this punishment, expecting me to report you on forum also (which i am), keep your power tripping behaviour down

8: Proof: auto-20240824-141300-ze_mist_v1_3.dem tick 5500
closer video analysis on what i said, proving i wasn't leading or not (SLOWED DOWN TO 20.2%)


100% speed to know how coincidental it is




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Hello Verdessence

I'll explain my mute on you in short but it seems youve already proven my point in your own report to begin with. 

I nominated mist which is a hard leader map, At the start of the game you were already trying to lead which is fine if theres no leader, However I was present and I started to lead and it seems you werent too happy that you werent the one who was leading. I didnt make much of it and continued on, After which you talked over me and although in the demo it appears we just happened to talk at the same time on my pov (cause of ping and such) it happened that I was talking and you cut me mid sentence. My reasoning for muting you was your history of misleading and troll not because of a personal vendetta against you. 

I can understand why you might feel frustrated considering I also punished you yesterday however keep in mind I muted you for only 15 minutes as a warning to stop. Again because of your history of misleading and troll I cant exactly trust that you'll understand a verbal warning and that you wont misleading during a critical section of the map which btw because I nominated im compelled to lead. In the future be mindful and understand that theres time for talk and time for focus.

Edited by Mobile Task Force Leader Gunner

i can understand mostly but to get off two unrelated stuff:

  • i stopped talking when you !leader'ed, i cant do much about it since i didnt set myself as leader (not that i can anyway), but as i said, i didnt know you were gonna lead and i thought this was a way to piss me off, but anyway it wasnt
  • my history with misleading is incomparable eitherway as there are only two farther off instances of me misleading, 1 in april and 1 in august, 0.45% when starting off with the first mislead mute and then later on mid august

the only reason why i made this report is because there was absolutely no reason for the mute to happen, as botho f us started talking at the same time, like i said with me reacting on something (i forgot, but the reason does not really matter as it was in the clear to talk, considering that you were silent for a moment) and with you telling the team to keep defending (which i say also you could've continued on to say it after that debacle), and end at the same time. even if you still dont trust my motives such as my history of trolls atleast give a proper reason other than "overleading", because like i said, i stopped when you set urself as leader.

Edited by Verdessence
  • CS:S ZE Lead Server Admin
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Hello @ Verdessence

After reviewing the demo i can see the mute wasn't correct, it was just a coincidence would say, a little reminder, being admin isn't easy, all the admins are volunteers and they have to take care of +4000 players, sometimes its frustrating and sometimes there can be some mistakes, mobile isn't being biased against you and i can be 100% sure about that. We don't allow our admins to be biased towards players when making punishments. The mute was pure coincidence as i said, a misunderstanding, just a timing where u talked and mobile too, and he thought u talked over him due to ping issues.

Topic closed.

Edited by sito
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