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Locked Striker abuse

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1: My ingame name: Lightning Strike
2: My SteamID:STEAM_0:1:176930100
3: Name of the admin(s) involved: Striiker
4: What server did it happen on: ZE
5: Map: cosmo v5 today
6: Time and date: 25/08/2024 ~3:35
7: Explanation of the situation:
I wasnt interested in making this report but after some advice I thought why not. I want to keep this as fair and unbiased as possible

During cosmo v5 at the last round, striiker took earth, after that, right before the ship tp, I killed him while he was supposedly typing on chat, after that he abused and transferred earth to someone else which isnt allowed by both admin rules and nide rules. After he transferred earth he did not attempt to apologize, or correct his mistake in any way, which if he did I think it would be fair and I'd be fine with it personally and wouldn't be writing this

He didnt give his reasoning in depth, by his own words he was "writing" and was "managing what to do before the event", which is just a fancier way of saying that he was writing and got caught offguard and died with the item, which then lead to the abuse. Not only that, but he also ended up lying, he wasnt "managing what to do before the event", he was typing on normal chat to a normal player, he wasnt typing on admin chat. I have been admin myself and been playing for quite a while now, im not very old in any way but this the first time I see such a thing, nothing like this has ever happened and this is type of transfer is pretty clearly abuse, I went ahead and checked the current nide rules and nothing like this is mentioned, and since this has never happened before I can rightfully assume this is also not allowed by admin rules unless proven otherwise.

Even if such a rule did exist, then its a pretty stupid rule. Occasionally a player will crash or lag out with an item and then the item is transferred to someone else, sometimes the player in question is respawned also. This seems pretty fair since bad internet, lag, or ping isnt really much up to our control and its not the player's fault. But when you die because you were writing, thats your mistake and was up to your control, transferring because of lag/crash, and transferring because you died while writing are not comparable in any way, you can pretty easily doorhug, get to a safe place and then write out what you want, especially considering at the cosmo ship part everybody just doorhugs at the rocks instead of defending now, which striiker being an experienced player obviously knows

I have intentionally left out a few details, such as the previous round before the abuse, and the convo after the abuse, because I dont think they are much relevant to the topic here, however if neccessary I will comment on both things

After the first few admin responses, please do not lock out the thread instantly, I would like to respond to whatever is written here first, thank you in advance. This abuse is not extremely serious however it is still abuse and should be treated like so

8: Proof

Forgive the resolution



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  • Event Manager

Like i told you in game, you have the right to do this report and like you said, you were an admin and know how things go.

About the "managing what to do before the event", i didn't lie about that, i was indeed checking some stuff for the event with my phone and i stopped on that area to write to a player how to enable noshake. Yeah it was dumb from my part stopping there, mainly because i wasn't aware of my surroundings.

Looking back to that earth transfer, maybe i shouldn't have done that but then again, i didn't want to harm the round because of what i was doing.
I did it with the best of intentions so that round wasn't lost or wtv.

If LSA decides that what i did was wrong and if the same situation happens again, i won't interfere with any transfer and let the round flow.

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  • CS:S ZE Lead Server Admin

Hello @ Lightning Strike

We LSA's deliberated this entire thing and we came to the conclusion that perhaps the item shouldn't have been transferred since Striiker died cause of being focused on handling and discussing the event and helping other players in chat. Dying because of typing or checking smth etc then transferring the item is abuse yes, but on a personal note, I definetly understand why Striiker transferred the item and I don't see it as a bad mistake, especially considering the fact that the round was lost after all. But remember after all, we are humans, we make mistakes and even tho its not a terrible abuse, its good to talk about these type of things and mistakes. I will discuss with Striiker about this but I don't see any need for further actions as of now.

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