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Everything posted by AzN

  1. if people spam the mic its justified to mute them. end of story. why dont you go cry abuse about the muting for the kid since you gey about him
  2. someone ping me to come into the server when he is there. i wanna troll him please
  3. this kid sounds like a retard. demanding respect like he is the boss of the server. f*ck this kid. maybe his mommy and daddy dont show him enough love.
  4. anyone can comment if you have a problem with that then oh well.
  5. too lazy to read the application but 1+
  6. if you are short on staff hire taller people
  7. AzN

    NerO' Gallery

    this is nice. ill get back to you what i want...
  8. AzN


    why you so gey... jk happy holidays
  9. i finally won something. i wish i won the lottery jackpot
  10. great application +100
  11. so what the hell is the main issue? im too lazy to read all this. give me a summary.
  12. AzN

    Creepy and Wicked

    if yall got beef go to the bar and have a drink and talk it out like men not like children.
  13. okay application i give you +1 to give you a chance. good luck
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