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Locked CS:S ZE Event #295 - Nominations

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CS:S Zombie Escape Event #295
Nomination Thread

Welcome to NiDE's event nominations!

You will have the chance to nominate the map(s) for event #295, that will happen next Sunday.

But, please, keep in mind that:

  • The event needs to be somehow creative and challenging in it's totality. If you are going to suggest maps that we play regularly in the server, please add special kickers to them (ex: low gravity, no items, speed, etc..)
  • You can suggest one map or up to five maps. If possible, try to not exceed a 5 hours duration for the entire event.
  • When choosing the map(s), try to choose map(s) that have not been played for a long time. Avoid choosing maps that have been played less than 6 months ago.
  • The event nominations will make it to the next phase (the nominations poll) based on the number of Likes they have received.
  • Based on what is stated above, only the Top 5 of the suggestions with more Likes will be selected for the poll. If there isn't a Top 5, the Event Managers will choose the more appropriate nominations for the poll.
  • Event Managers can modify/remove a nomination if they consider that it doesn't fit the concept of an event.

You can nominate a map(s) until Wednesday, 01/11/2023, 10PM GMT+0.

Maps that are not available for nominating, because they were played on recent events:

  • ze_santassination_css2
  • ze_harry_potter_v2_1
  • ze_paranoid_rezurrection_v11_9
  • ze_TESV_Skyrim_v4fix (13/10/23)
  • ze_nightmare_dimension_v2_6fix (13/10/23)
  • ze_haunted_lab_escape_v2c (13/10/23)
  • ze_poppy_playtime_origin_v666 (13/10/23)
  • ze_huggy_wuggy_chap4_halloween (13/10/23)
  • ze_MindTree_v1_6s (15/10/23)
  • ze_minimal_v4_1 (15/10/23)
  • ze_realm_h1 (15/10/23)
  • ze_outlast_v1 (22/10/23)
  • ze_dark_souls_ptd_v0_4 (22/10/23)
  • ze_silent_hill_2_illusion_kn1 (22/10/23)
  • ze_slender_escape_b4 (22/10/23)
  • ze_lotr_minas_tirith_v3_3 (20/10/23)
  • ze_halloween_house_b4s (29/10/23)
  • ze_castlevania_64_v1_3_b2 (29/10/23)
  • ze_the_last_chapter_v1_5_css (29/10/23)
  • ze_stalkermonolit_v6 (29/10/23)

Maps that are now available for nominating:

  • ze_negative_legacy_xf4s
  • ze_evernight_a3_4_css2
  • ze_l0v0l_v1_4
  • ze_johnny_nukem_b8_3
  • ze_tyranny2_v1fix

Here is a list of the maps we currently have in the server to inspire your nomination.
You can suggest maps that we don't have though, as long as they are playable and you send them ahead of time.

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Stay together, Team!

  • ze_aztecorum_b3
  • ze_neochrome_css3
  • ze_emerald_b4

Kickers: Heal beacons
(Was playing with this 'kicker' once in event at the server, random CTs is chosen to be heal beacon that heal CTs and all the CTs outside the beacon take damage)

These maps are great to play with this kicker - Its hard defense maps with only 1 stage

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Ghan Ghavourites


Ze_ chroma



Kickers: On mako, we start at extreme then play the following stages in this order: ex2, hellz, heal ulti, ex2 again

On deadcore, no canoons on ABC stages

On mist, only aura  and ice item. After we beat for first time, we do 50hp no heal for second round

On chroma, no kickers

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  • CS:S ZE Lead Server Admin
11 hours ago, maso said:

Ghan Ghavourites


Ze_ chroma



Kickers: On mako, we start at extreme then play the following stages in this order: ex2, hellz, heal ulti, ex2 again

On deadcore, no canoons on ABC stages

On mist, only aura  and ice item. After we beat for first time, we do 50hp no heal for second round

On chroma, no kickers

I swear this is the exact same nomination from the last couple times you posted...

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Just now, Midknight said:

boring + uninspiring 

the last event vote, my event and maradox' event got the same number of votes, but you guys chose maradox event. I dont see why i shouldnt be allowed to nominate the same event if people obviously like it

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  • CS:S ZE Lead Server Admin
1 minute ago, maso said:

the last event vote, my event and maradox' event got the same number of votes, but you guys chose maradox event. I dont see why i shouldnt be allowed to nominate the same event if people obviously like it

i didnt say youre not allowed to but the point of events is to have maps that are interesting/challenging/otherwise unplayed and you just toss it out of the window with this nom, only reason ppl are voting for it so they can play their favourite maps that are played on a daily basis but get vip from it

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