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Locked MushyMooosh inflating

Go to solution Solved by Sticky,

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1: My ingame name: machu
2: My SteamID:  STEAM_0:1:94908621
3: Name of the player(s) involved: MushyMooosh
4: SteamID of the player(s) involved: STEAM_0:0:802284954
5: What server did it happen on: zombie escape
6: Map: doom3
7: Time and date: map started around 8pm at nov 19
8: Explanation of the situation: he was dying on purpose every round for at least 10 of the last rounds and spamming the chat things like push and charge
9: Proof: sticky was playing he can confirm and you can watch the demo

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  • Solution

I noticed it, but ultimately I was too kind and exhausted and decided to strip him each round he played instead of banning. I'm not sure if this was the right decision, but the leads will tell whenever it was right or wrong.

Edited by Sticky
missing word

Apologies for the late response on our part, but here is our conclusion:

The player was inflating, however we noticed that there wasn’t any real intent to troll in this regard, as it looked like it was just a new player wanting to have fun that doesn’t fully understand how the server works at the moment. There was also an attempt by our Event Managers to prevent the impact of this behaviour by stripping every round, which I will agree is less effective than other methods we normally resort to in situations like this.

We’re going to let the player off this time, but they will be warned should they continue with this behaviour. Thank you for the report.


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