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Question [CANDIDATE REPRESENTATIVE] Ire, 47, mohamed, Miiiaaaooouu, Adell, Azn

    First name: kono
    Surname: kiwi
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:85225138
    Discord: ❤ ツ Kiwi ๖Konoツ ❤#7434
    Game on server about 3 to 4 years ago
    Admin Server: ADMIN already went on other servers and pay in nide too
    Age 36 years  13/09/1984 September
    Location: Europe, Portugal
    Languages: Portugal, Spain, English
    Do you have a microphone? yea
    What can you bring to our community? Regular and daily presence on servers and potentially technical assistance (Sys and Networks)
    Forum registration date: December 13, 2020
    ZR  ADMIN: Zombie Revival ● NiDE.GG ● Unlimited ammo | Shop

    I know I haven't been known for a long time on your servers, but I've been there regularly for a long time and I just want to be part of a solid and lasting community to share good times and contribute to this community that seems interesting to me
    Just one of my favorite games and a good community so I asked to join your community
    Help other players with server commands and help in a different language

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  • Server Admin

my goal is to help other people from another world to join the community and help the community to grow

thank you all so much for the friendship and affection you have given me so far???

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  • Server Admin
thank you very much for the trust , I will bring more people to the community and help with language 
  • Thanks 3
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