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Retired Admin
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Everything posted by .Revan

  1. I have not seen this change that others are speaking of. -1 from me.
  2. After some heavy consideration I have decided to decline this admin application, there is a big split between the ones that are giving + and - The impersonation reports is something we take seriously, and some other information that I've gotten from credible sources. You can always apply again in the future.
  3. Looks like an alright application, but on #10. We don't really show mercy towards people who uses cheats such as bhop hack or aimbot. Just ban. As a new admin, you spectate, make sure he's using aimbot and if you can do a recording. (Otherwise demo will work just as good) And then inform your superiors. I'm neutral for the time being. Good luck!
  4. Even though this admin application is slightly on the unserious side, and we do expect you do be serious as an admin... the response on it is good. Application accepted, congratulations!
  5. Hi DK, your mute is removed. But take it serious since you do soundboard spam a lot, and if it continues in the future the mutes will be longer. TOPIC CLOSED.
  6. Even though you're strongly against it... Accepted! Congratulations!
  7. You might be one sussy baka, but you're a good sussy baka. I believe you'd make a good admin with the right teaching and time. Sure, application might be slightly on the retarded side, but you're a good and funny dude. We need more good fun retarded dudes. +1 from me
  8. Incomplete application and you don't have enough connection time. (34 minutes) Application denied.
  9. I'm gonna be super honest with you here, regarding mic spam it's a sore thread as far as I've learned. Some admins really have no problems at all with it, while someone like me would issue warning and mute if repeated. (Or no warning and just mute for those that are known spammers) What happened yesterday I can't even begin to explain, everyone was pretty much on-board with the sh*tspam that happened. Sure it came to a point where it got out of hand but that's when I logged off to go to bed. I understand that people expect me as a Lead Server Admin to do my "job", but part of that "job" is also to make sure that our admins follow our guidelines when it comes to the rules we have and issue those. And that involves spam both in voice and chat. Sometimes I understand that it gets out of hand, and maybe we need to implement some sort of practice for admins, I'm just spitballing an idea right now. Or we simply just need to make our admins a little bit more strict, but not to the point that if someone just plays 2 seconds of soundboard they get muted. I apologize for my and my admins lack of action yesterday, but as I said, pretty much everyone was on-board.
  10. As @Harragamentioned, we need to know when did it happen, on which map and which player/players were involved. But do post on the correct section on forums with the report remplate that he linked to.
  11. Willing to give you a chance to prove yourself +1 from me
  12. I’ve only heard good things about you. +1 from me, I want us to have good admins
  13. Due to some unraveling information, due to that you use hyperscroll and to the fact you’ve given us two different ages we simply have to decline this admin application.
  14. .Revan


    In all seriousness though, what's up? What are you mad at?
  15. .Revan


    ni**er retired
  16. I did not put it up nor do I know who did.
  17. I get that you’re angry, frustrated, even damn furious. But the way you are right now, is not the way to be. As a community we are neutral, we don’t pick sides. There will always be assholes no matter where you are. Online or in real life. All I ever see is toxicity from you, and it’s sad to see. My strong recommendation for you right now is to do some self-meditation to find some inner peace. I myself have also been a toxic person, even far more toxic than yourself. I saw that it was not the kind of person I wanted to be so I changed my attitude, I did my damn best to become better. I wish the same for you.
  18. "What is important to me is ensuring the experience for players is enjoyable and fun and isn't ruined by a small minority of players doing as they please, this of course includes admins doing as they please without regard for what the players want." At the moment I'm neutral. But I'm curious, how would you ensure it? Because I've seen two sides of you so far, one more than the other.
  19. + You seem to be a good guy bro, good luck! GEOOOOOORGE~
  20. Hahaha glad to hear mate! It's always a nice feeling knowing they're still young.
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