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Posts posted by Tex

  1. While playing flying world last night, it made me think, what are the worst zombie escape maps out there?

    Please rank your top 3-5 most disliked maps for comparison. 


    1. Flying World

    2. (no second place for me, flying world needs as much space as possible considering it is without question the worst zombie escape map mankind has to offer)

    3. See Number 2

    4. Mako

    5. All Final Fantasy maps 

    • Homiekiss 1
  2. Many a nights I lay awake staring at my ceiling in discontent. Tossing and turning of what could have been, what greatness Nide could have for the world to recognize and admire. I ponder about other great conquests, Man (Americans) going to the moon, the (American) atomic bomb, the first flight (done in America), the creation of tictoc (china wtf?) and I wonder where and why did the progress stop? 

    I spend some of my afternoons on the weekend playing Nide zombie escape and I'm marveled at the Frenchie's ability to mobilize in unison towards a undeniable cohesive goal of achieving victory on many difficult maps. I watch as they struggle at first, but learn from their mistakes and grow as a team fighting a common goal. Over 100 attempts at Santa Assassination in one sitting... dedication does not begin to explain the level of commitment our allies across the pond posses. 

    Long days at the office have me craving for a sense of freedom, something to look forward to, an escape from the 9-5 lifestyle that at times I consider enjoyable, but not what my heart yearns for. Nide provides that escape, a place I call home with my adopted family members all around the world. A place where my face typically hurts from laughing so much. But this enjoyment comes at a cost, a high cost, that penalty is of course, autism. American hours have the same sense of comradery and passion that the Frenchie's display, however that passion is often not translated into the common goal of beating a specific map. Now, don't get me wrong, we have our fair share of glorious moments, they are vast and wide and something to be proud of, often outdoing our French allies, however door huggers (counttab) are becoming more and more problematic as they fill up valuable space on the human team. 

    Randomizer has struck a cord with me, very similar to Street Fight with Autism, sleeping was difficult until finally completing the map. American hours have hit a roadblock not being able to pass 55% on Randomizer and I haven't been the same since acknowledging how far we are from the goal of 100%.

    Thus the only acceptable solution is born, a full scale event of only the best. An event where myself would struggle to make the top defender leader board because of the immense competition from my comrades. But it would be competition towards a common goal. 

    Frenchie's, frankly you owe us. It's been 82 years since we came to rescue your helpless asses and I'm calling in this debt. We need to beat randomizer, it has to be done and I firmly believe the only way we are going to get this done is with both sides of the world working together.

    @ Sticky  @ stickyclicker  @ Hobbitten  @ Lardy  @ Heat  @ Aton  @ Dolly  @ Life is a Bitch  @ lewis12309  @ Batata  @ bacon  @ Akadir  @ George G  @ Starlight-Dash  @ FroZRil  @ Bishop117  @ Lord Vader  @ Robbi  @ .Revan  @ Freecazoid  @ GokuHann  @ aaa mohmmued  @ cmer  @ .Rushaway  @ mrburns  @ 'ŞŦŘƗƗҜ€Ř'  @ WeeeD

    For those I forgot to tag, I am sorry. Please spread the word, this is of dire importance. 


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