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Posts posted by Tex

  1. French dates and times always blow my mind, so after several hours of mathematics and converting liters into gallons and making sure the metrics system can truly be converted to inches.

    I have arrived to the conclusion that this event will be held on WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 7TH 2022 AT 8PM CENTRAL TIME 


    please confirm as I will need to tell my wife I will be with the g@y bois for the evening 

    • Homiekiss 1
    • Haha 1
  2. CS_Assault 

    I really belive there is an opportunity with this map. Granted it is not an escape map. Holding the bridge, hostage room, no vents though. Could be interesting


    That A+ idea aside

    Christmas is around the corner, lets get a santa event going for Halloween. but for this event i would +1 the last man standing map, hard AF

    • Homiekiss 2
  3. 41 minutes ago, Batata said:


    Well, some players act one way as players, but when they become admin they act differently.

    I believe that, even though in the game you sometimes act, with all the respect, as a retard, i think you can be a good admin in the future if you actually try. 

    And i don't think you're truly toxic, you're just joking in general, just like when i rage in the mic but i'm not actually raging xD.

    Also by seeing that you wanna join the admin team, along with other reasons, because you don't see admins online sometimes and you want to help, makes me think that you're taking this seriously.

    You're also very active in the server!

    I think trial role exists for a reason, so we will not lose much in giving you a try. Good luck!

    Can i get an honest opinion of myself from patata, this was in depth and im interested in the in depth part

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  4. 20 hours ago, mrburns said:

    just logged in and was updating when i ran into this.


    Nothing fancy this week, I'll collect trash this week since it'll be the only free week for me.






    hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahaah this is great 

    @ Heat you puerto rican slut


    Mr burns for president 

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