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🔧 Server Maintenance Notice - Counter-Strike: Source 🔧 ×

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1: Your own ingame name - youssefJO
2: Your own steam-ID - STEAM_0:1:613391752

3: Name of the admin(s) involved - headshot
4: What server did it happen on - ZR server
5: What map - zm_nide_ruiners_dream

6: Time and date -  exactly an hour ago
7: Explain the situation - repeated insult every round. (you will find everything in the demo)+slay without any reason at the end of the round  _Check admins logs_

8: Proof : https://www.mediafire.com/file/duv11t434s4g8iv/dreammap5.dem/file

(Notice) I don't know how to use the demo so I uploaded it completely -sorry for that-

Well, insults doesn't matter for admin abuse, just SM him instead

about Slay i don't know because I'm not ZR Server Admin

8 minutes ago, youssefJO said:

@Sin agreed+ but when it is repeated, it becomes very "disgusting"
he talks in the chat not voicechat + the admins in zr do nothing

but you still can sm though, sm-ing will mute chat, radio, and voice.

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  • CS:S ZR Server Manager

Hey, Indeed I didn't see any reason for the slay but it happened at the end of map so it didn't really affect anything. It was unnecessary but we will just go with a warning on this case. Also didn't see anything worth giving a gag for "insulting". You can just use !sm or press ESC, choose player list and mute the player there if you want to block voice + chat. Closed.

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