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Nuk - unban request x2


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In-Game Name: nuK

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:73508244

Banned by: Sausage Clicker

Server: Zombie Escape :: NiDE.GG :: Rank|FastDL|SSD

Reason: Hacking

Proof: screenshots only, no actual video fragments etc.So today I was playing mountain bbo and sausage clicker mentioned some high speed from me (so he banned me). I was frustrated so I was looking for a reason to misunderstand me. I told that I picked the nitghtingale item at the same time as the other guy so it basically bugged and gavee speed to me as well. Tbh, I have no clue how speed in css works. I was just straferuning as always. Honestly, I'm sorry for being toxic towards you, @Sausage Clicker, I was nervours so I panicked and was acting badly. As you now I hacked before and was given a second chance for this server, I have never thought of hacking again. All I want now is to ask sausage to show some proofs of me actually hacking and running faster than others.

Edited by GaGaGa
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133503 - main demo (from 0:0 to 3:2 score)

140711 - demo with 3:3 moment and permaban.

So this ban is a absolutely absurd. Sausage says that he reached 290 units. As a nightingale or regular skin - doesnt matter, because they both have regular speed (which is been tested).

The problem is: There is no way to reach speed 280+ units in ANY way. Hacks can't reach this speed, due to a source-engine (or speedhack, which is instantly vac bannable) if default speed (with knife) is 250 units.

But anyway. Map was: ze_mountain_bbo
It does have a spec glitch, which leads you to run way faster, than other people. Comparing this with side run and you may reach up to ~300 units. Perfecto (which is been tested too).

I watched demo twice, and put the results:


1 : 0 – ffvii mode, some people running way faster, than anyone. Suspicious: pickle rick, brook;

1 : 1 – skyrim mode, nightingale, suspicious: nuk;

2 : 1 – ffvii mode, regular speed, normal win;

2 : 2 – skyrim mode, regular speed, regular defence, died by zombie;

3 : 2 – minas mode, suspicious: Kron, nuk;

3 : 3 - skyrim mode, bhopping on yellow pillars to get DP and getting permaban.


So as results says, suspicious people are (may be more, because I checked only 1 : 0, 1 : 1, 3 : 2 rounds for other people having higher speed, than should, and not on all people)

Pickle rick, Brook, nuk, Kron.

And must be permabanned for... having higher speed due to map glitch? ?

Guys please teach yourself to check demo, and not forcing yourself to ban if you not sure for someone.

Edited by FPTyel
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6 hours ago, FPTyel said:

As a nightingale or regular skin - doesnt matter, because they both have regular speed (which is been tested).

Except nightingale literally has more speed?

6 hours ago, FPTyel said:

The problem is: There is no way to reach speed 280+ units in ANY way. Hacks can't reach this speed, due to a source-engine (or speedhack, which is instantly vac bannable)

First of all that isn't how VAC works, secondly you go faster when going up a ramp.

6 hours ago, FPTyel said:

It does have a spec glitch

Which is?

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