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Locked better than you + neko, or how FFVII Elites are trolling.


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1: Your own ingame name: FPTyel
2: Your own steam-ID: STEAM_0:0:54446629
3: Name of the player(s) involved: better than you ; neko
4: Steam-ID of the player(s) involved:

better than you: STEAM_0:0:9286503

neko: STEAM_0:1:56190679
5: What server did it happen on: ZombieEscape
6: What map: Mako_Reactor_v5_3 ; shroomforest_v2 ; Tyranny_v5fix ; Cosmo_Canyon
7: Time and date: 28-29 February
8: Explain the situation:

So the story begins. Mainly this post about better than you, but neko starts to troll too, so let's start:
Firstly I played cosmo canyon as zombie on last round of final level, and got surprised, that people are killing Genesis too slow, and had some suspicious, does these winners did it for legit, especially I spectate for two players often to see how they are acting on final part (btw spectating is a good part to get more experience, you know). And yeah, better than you and neko are not shooted genesis at all. I wondered if they always do that, and checked 3 favourite maps for lazor elitos. And I got this:
Better than you:
- 108000 not using ice to defend
- 116000 using second ice instead of saving for defence
- 125000 not shooting sephiroth
- 89000 late trigger
- 94300 not shooting sephiroth
- 93300 using water on lasers infront of humans (less vision of lasers, why not already when zombie were on batterfly and portal is gone)
- 93800 not shooting laser-satana
(After water he was banned for 30 minutes and after for ~1440 minutes but it was late, so he got lucky)
from 0 to 69000 always goes to spec and back to game for no reason, after being first zombie and goes to spec - got banned for trolling (could be glitching the game idunno)
neko trying to defence him, but anyway he repeating the same. (after wicked said he got banned because of shroomforest)
few times later he still asking why he got banned (Elites don't know that they are trolling hmm), Wicked replied once more, for shroomforest.
And we are getting: *SPEC* neko : clown 4svshnii na admine) (which means Clown with a heightened self-esteem (4sv in russia means heightened self-esteem and often consider as insult) on the admin (translator))

few more insulting between him and admin we're got (97200)
*SPEC* neko : ladno, degradirui dal'she so svoimi arabami
*SPEC* neko : dodik)
Ладно, деградируй дальше со своими арабами
Ok, keep degrading with your arabs (Okay, degrade further with your Arabs <- translator, you may check)

Idiot (Dodik is not possible to translate and means Idiot (to make it simple))

Ok it was unproffesional from Wicked and I hope he will learn this lesson, but I can understand his feels. Also, neko, stop defending troll and be toxic.

Now about cosmo canyon:
- 97000 where lasers are approach, no nade from better than you, no nade from neko, 0 dmg to Genesis from better than you, around 10-20 dmg from neko. And don't forget to look the top of the dmg: top30 for better than you and top40 for neko. FFVII Elites, if you forgot. Newbies does more impact in the game, than Elites, it's so cute.

I want to ask admins to look more carefully for playes on lasers part and prevent all of this action. Stop ignore it like nothing happened. If you want to get harder gameplay - make lasers faster, or zombies faster, or anything. It's 2020, cmon!

P.S. Why I do report them? Because I want to warn other players to stop griefing your teammates (yeah, no shooting boss on lasers part is a griefing, if you don't know. The same if you not shoot zombies \ not shooting any bosses => ignoring the main concept of the mode. Zombie Escape is a cooperative mode, where people must cooperate with themselfs to win the maps. If you griefing people by letting them die on lasers to do another solo/duo/trio - you are not deserved to be winner, and surely not deserved to be Elites (because of breaking the main concept of the mode)

PP.S. I hope administration of FFVII Elites and any Elites / Legends group will look further onto this.

Respect to be respected.

9: Proof:

014402: https://demos.nide.gg/css_ze/auto-20200229-014402-ze_ffvii_mako_reactor_v5_3.dem
021554: https://demos.nide.gg/css_ze/auto-20200229-021554-ze_ffvii_mako_reactor_v5_3.dem
034100: https://demos.nide.gg/css_ze/auto-20200229-034100-ze_shroomforest2_v1.dem
043912: https://demos.nide.gg/css_ze/auto-20200229-043912-ze_tyranny_v5fix.dem
161733: https://demos.nide.gg/css_ze/auto-20200228-161733-ze_ffvii_cosmo_canyon_v5fix.dem


Edited by FPTyel
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An interesting report, 

But the truth is that we cant force people to shoot on lasers, Item misusing is another matter we will always attempt to deal with to a certain degree...

But, at the end of the day, Im not going to ban players for not shooting at lasers, later triggering (early trigs however) or just being potatoes in the chat.


I really respect the effort you put into this, but as i also, sat down and watched the 3 demos, i believe we will take no action other than to ensure we're managing our bans for item trolling correctly.


Thanks for the report,


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13 часа назад, Wicked* сказал:

ty for report FPT but tell me exactly what i did wrong?

Я не хочу критиковать твои действия и понимаю всю ситуацию, но просто старайся держать себя в руках и не кидаться на оскорбления, будучи на посту. Это всё.


2 часа назад, Sausage Clicker сказал:

An interesting report,

But the truth is that we cant force people to shoot on lasers, Item misusing is another matter we will always attempt to deal with to a certain degree...

But, at the end of the day, Im not going to ban players for not shooting at lasers, later triggering (early trigs however) or just being potatoes in the chat.


I really respect the effort you put into this, but as i also, sat down and watched the 3 demos, i believe we will take no action other than to ensure we're managing our bans for item trolling correctly.


Thanks for the report,


Why we can't? I report 2 players to force other people to not repeat this. Because I 100% know who they are, and enough skilled to beat maps.

Let's not look onto the newbies, it's understandable.

Why I report them? Because it's griefing (or trolling) to make your teammates lose. If I will not shoot any bosses and zombies also, I must get banned, so why it's not working the same as for laser bosses?

The big problem is total ignoring all of this from many years ago and for nowadays still. Yeah it require a lot of time to look onto every player, but it's not that important (because only some of the players are especially trolling).

Or you may try to do a special plugin which auto-detecting these people (after N lasers didn't do enough minimal damage for few rounds = reporting to admins).

This is a global problem, and as many players will exploit it, the less chance to win for other people (equally we are losing the main concept of ZombieEscape). If people are trolling with items, it's less chance to win (if not 0%). If people are not shooting zombies \ normal bosses, it's still less chance to win, down to 0%. The same as for laser bosses.

And if people losing so many rounds, these <skilled laser-players> will be toxic and rage against everyone, but not blaming themselfs to be useless.

So admins should stop ignore that.

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  • CS:S ZE Server Manager

Hello @FPTyel !!

Thx for this really interesting report.

It’s not the first time that we are talking about give punishment(s) on those « skilled solo players » when the only goal for them is to solo on a hard lasers map instead of to use their skills to help the team to win.

they are some things to see before give a punishment about that because it’s not easy and here is my opinion:

- if the player try to defend as he can during the whole round, using his item properly, think team and not for himself but he isn’t enough good to dodge lasers + shooting at the same time, this is acceptable because I think that this player is just thinking about to survive before to do a solo.

-if the player is knows as a skilled player, take item for himself and start to shoot the boss on lasers only when he is solo as human, then we could start to think about slay him, but, to be honest we can’t really do more.

about using item for himself,  not using it at all, blocking vision, kill the team on purpose then eban + ban will be the appropriate punishment (depend of the troll ofc, in some situations, eban will be enough)

the hardest point is to know who acting for the team and who acting for himself at my opinion. 

Last thing: i want to be fair with everyone and, if the team beaten the map and choose to extend this one for extra(s) round(s), it could be interesting for those players to allow « the solo time » in those extra(s) round(s) where everyone is free  do not shoot boss at lasers if they want to solo.

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6 часов назад, Lardy сказал:

-if the player is knows as a skilled player, take item for himself and start to shoot the boss on lasers only when he is solo as human, then we could start to think about slay him, but, to be honest we can’t really do more. 


18 часов назад, FPTyel сказал:

The big problem is total ignoring all of this from many years ago and for nowadays still. Yeah it require a lot of time to look onto every player, but it's not that important (because only some of the players are especially trolling).

*And got nothing in total, because slay is not enough and will not give educational process to stop it. They will just complete their job, but more carefully.

I understood that the decision would be difficult, because a completely atypical report, but at least I had a task to convey to the administrators that the problem really exists, and special attention should be paid to it. I will look further into the players behaviour, and keep reporting (I'm not that lazy, sometimes I'm very impressed to see someone's gameplay to learn something more).

Some ru servers are already punish these players, not in the best way, but at least something.
I hope that you will implement it here, too.

So let other admins do a review, still interesting to watch.

But the last words for Batata, of course.


Edited by FPTyel
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  • Server Admin

Hello! I already talked to you about this, i will just state my opinion publicly now.

I don't say it's prohibited to NOT shoot during lasers, but it's also not encouraged. Most of the time it's not allowed, specially in maps where you have a timelimit to kill the boss, like stalker, ff maps, etc. But some people are just newbies and can't shoot/dodge lasers at the same time, so i kinda allow that.

Also, when we finished beating a map, for example, shaurma, admins can choose the last stage again, until people haven't finished rtving or the vote doesn't come. On these particular cases, we are less strict about that, so we allow people not shooting, unless they are delaying too much, which then we warn the players and, in the limit, we slay them.

But overall, some people are experienced but don't shoot to get their solos and if i see that, i just slay them. If it gets repetitive, which means, always the same players doing that, then we will eventually ban, specially if you're doing that in bossfights with a timelimit to be killed.

In this particular case, Neko and Deni are two guys that frequently do that and i don't tolerate those selfish attitudes in the server. So if i or any admin see them doing that on purpose next time (or even blocking player's view somehow on purpose), they will be banned.

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yooo niggaz!
I'm in fact without too much sh*t.
firstly, if you want your justice to dominate the server, you need to look at 50>% of all current players who mow under us and try to be "cool". In fact. I mean maps with lasers. I would see how many players can be punished for mako in one round.
How is there no way? He is, remove all the laser maps from the server. You are less trouble and the players will not suffer;)


that's all. No offense Bunnies

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  • CS:S ZE Server Manager

Hello @Deni

thx to replied,

i don’t really agree with you and I will explain why.

in your current answer, you generalize and if I’m right you are saying that all Or almost all « lasers maps players » will be punished because they won’t shoot the boss on lasers, I don’t think it’s true. 

Also, like I said in my previous reply, we can, if players want to play extra(s) round(s) allow « solo time » when they beaten the map, so, it’s fair at my opinion to play the map seriously  to reach this « extra time » because everyone is not able to do a solo on those maps and some « average » players could beat the map if u play it seriously.

the thing is, we can’t really allow this selfish behavior, especially when all team carried you to beat the map but died at the end even more when you take item and use it for yourself.

you are a smart player and I pretty sure that you will understand « admin point of view » 

last thing, for the moment, we are just thinking about to slay and not more, don’t make us change our opinion and then thinking about a more severe punishment.

Edited by Lardy
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