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1: daddy le toxic
2: Your own steam id :not needed lmao
3: P1_lover
4: ze
5: wanderes
6: 07/12/2020 18:46:16

so this server allows the n word allows all kind racial slurs and homophobic jokes but when I say Chinese people eat dog and bat soup WICH IS A FACT I get gaged by a new random trash admin who you guys picked from god know where never saw him play on the server this server is as lame as ever still finding hard time to find good admin and when you pick someone its always a random peasant who joined the server 2 months ago this guy gags me for 60 MIN witch is absurd with no warning and for no reason if you are going to gag people for racial slurs then you should gag every single n word user user or any other kind of word faking hypocrite server not only that, but batata backs him up with NO argument to back it up when I asked him for the reason, if you are going to say daddy you are toxic and deserve the gag then we should add a new rule that forbids the use of any kind of racial slurs and btw this admin kept flexing his power telling me to stfu and that nobody can remove the gag another 12 years old admin well done nice well done 

pretty sure we have  culture in nide that allows all kind of edgy and racial jokes  is this a new era where the server is finaly going to be politically correct and full of sjw 

i suggest that we add a training center where im the instructor where all these trash new admins you pick i teach them the nide culture and how we behave in the server

Edited by Daddy le toxic
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  • Server Admin

You're just disrespectful most of the times and even though i wouldn't mute/gag you for those exact words you said, you should have been muted/gagged long time ago for other bad attitudes.

Don't count on admins to be patient all the time about your silly comments or interrupting leadership during hard maps without gagging/muting you.

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we are talking about this one incident don't try to shift this one even if you are trying to play the toxic card  can you show me any proof where i've been disrespectful? ALL I do is rage in mic when ever we lose and in a funny way where every one start laughting 

and what are the other bad attitudes can you enlighten me good sir and teach me the way i should behave as far as i know i never got banned for trolling ruining other people gameplay or any other sh*t 

and i keep my mouth shut when ever we are playing a hard map and somebody is trying to lead  i only use my map when we are playing casual maps  

Edited by Daddy le toxic
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oyaya guys let's eat dog and bat soup, very delicious

"can you show me any proof where i've disrespectful?"
" I get gaged by a new random trash admin"

a c c u r a t e

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  • Server Admin

Ok, so if you want me to just analyze this case:


I personally wouldn't gag for this, because i'm very patient, but this is gaggable, although not for 60 mins. A simple gag of 10 would be fine in my opinion.

"No harassing of other players either in chat or on mic - violations may be punished with a mute/gag [1-30min]

  • Jokes are fine, but try to keep it civilized"

There were many asians playing with us at that time, so that was offensive for them. 

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aaaa so when we say the n word or somebody tells me im a sand ni**er its fine stop being a hypocrite racial slurs are allowed in the server its been like this for as long as i remembe either stop letting people saying the n word and lets act like hellz or don't  bother with that rule 

and as far as i know all i said is the truth and if you want some videos or photos of chinese people eating the sh*t out of a dog or a bat i can provide

if saying the truth is harassment then this server is an absolute joke

Edited by Daddy le toxic
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There is no point saying

2020-07-12 18:45:52 fking chinese dog eaters.

2020-07-12 18:45:58 go make another bat soup.

ye It was not funny for me because I'm Asian


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O SHUT up and don't play the victim card 

your opinion dosn't matter you couldv typed !sm daddy if you don't like my jokes and not flex your power 60 min gag for no reason  you should get demoted to trial but o well you have batatat backing you  lucky you 

Edited by Daddy le toxic
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listen here you bonbo your job is to keep the sever clean of any abuse how you view my jokes is your personal issue nobody complained and the ones that don't wanna hear me they just use the command sm so don't assume what they think and try to act on it you 

4 hours ago, pl_1over said:

What I don't want to hear also other people don't want to listen it.

They can self mute you but I'm server admin and I need to do my work.

What I don't want to hear also other people don't want to listen it. this is the most idiotic take i have ever seen proves my point this admin should be demoted to trial 

Edited by Daddy le toxic
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Just stop crying and accept the mute, there was like 10 ppl from china on server when you was saying this stuff, and it was offensive to them, just grow up finally and start acting like normal person, not like mongoloid

Probably daddy was wrong , but dont act like if daddy is the most toxic guy on ze  , he always coming to chill and y guys take his words seriously 

But whatever i recomend high admins to check chat logs and u will see how toxic people are either chat or mic ( even admins )  , for me its fine is part of ze , no need focus on daddy

Pd : i guess p 1 lover make also racist jokes , so if u see this p1lover u can gag urself 60 min 


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16 hours ago, Batata said:

There were many asians playing with us at that time, so that was offensive for them. 

In the Philippines, we have a good amount of knowledge about china, so we all know for a fact that the Chinese can easily be triggered. Chinese people are very sensitive on the topic about Covid since it originated from their country. Saying "oyaya guys let's eat dog and bat soup, very delicious" is highly offensive and very provocative for them. Others might be saying ni**er, but that doesn't give you the right to insult Chinese people unless they're the one's who initiated the topic. 

Edited by ღდ❦NikaTech
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Well Dear! My Daddy just Chill bro.........I have played with you..You also lead us when no one is there...Chill Broooooo.
Some words are really sensitive to individuals..Don't wory if he gagged you...Once wicked gagged me just bcz he didn't like my spam at the end of the round lols..but I was chill brooo.JUST CHILL BRUDDAH..NIDE is the best , spend your time with players...CHILL BROOOOOOOO..these people once called me GHAYYYYY and I private them ( , ) ( , )..So chill brooo

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7 hours ago, ShadowCreepy said:

Just stop crying and accept the mute, there was like 10 ppl from china on server when you was saying this stuff, and it was offensive to them, just grow up finally and start acting like normal person, not like mongoloid

Didn't you get demoted for being an absolute degenerate and cryed about it kid your opinion have no value to me now crawl back to the hole you came from

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Id like to add that when all these Chinese players left the server stoped lagging and we can finaly have a decent gameplay so yes me calling them out to leave the server is not disrespectful  and stating facts that they eat everything that walks and bcs of them the world is in ruin 

They ruined our gaming experience bcs god knows what their government is puting inside their wifis and thats total bs  if you want me to tolerate it and you people don't have any idea how racist chinese people are 

Edited by Daddy le toxic
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