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1. Your Name and Age. (Remember that you can only apply if you're 16+) Creepy im 21 year old men from Poland

2. Steam_ID: STEAM_0:0187018106

3. How long are you playing CSS ?

10 years but with long breaks

4. Why do you think we should take you into the team? What knowledge do you have, what is important for you ON a server or in the community?

I know majority of the ze maps and i know when to deal with trollers like Malala. (PS: I know u will read this malala, so if you land on my eye sight, you are done), I know mostly FF and difficult/tryhard maps like last man standing, or santassination, i also trying to learn new released map so I can help players understand it, and what important is for me that server will be best of the best and people will enjoy playing here most of time. And I know how to act in all situation etc (gonna try take examples from deni and wicked).

5. Which experiences do you have about being an ADMIN and other things that can beneift us having you as an admin?

I was trial admin in nide, as well I was admin on some cs 1.6 servers.

6. Some details about yourself, what are you doing right now, how often do you think you'll play on the server?

I play on server everyday when I have time. Sometimes I go to csgo to play on asia servers in morning to warm up for hard maps.

7. here is a small question need to answer it , imagine if you are a new admin on the server and there is a player he is being specious to using Aimbot, And you need to deal with him  how will you deal with that? 

first I spectate him, if he keep using aimbot I ban him for 1 day, if same cheater come back I increase ban to 2 days maybe more depend how often he cheats.

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stop telling players to defend while yourself is doorhugging thanks

and also stop shooting zms to be top defender during the boss fight on stalker thanks

Edited by Hasiwa
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I actually read what you guys wrote about his application and i’m surprised to be honest about the current mentality on this game and especially on this mod because what’s happening here is not the first time that’s happening.

It’s apparently more interestIng to take fun about his application than to take fun to play and some « members » who replied here are not even active in game.

It’s not because he has been denied many times that it’s mean that he shouldn’t try to be admin again and you guys should take his courage and his determination as example.

The first thing that i learnt when i became admin is that you must be courageous to apply to help this community because it’s not easy everyday  so i  will always support and help someone who want to help us, according to the fact that the player is able to be admin and i assume that he could be a good admin now.

Even if Creepy is not the perfect the « teammate », even if he enjoys « solo maps », even if creepy has some defaults that’s make us laughing i will support him in his application.

have a nice day.


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I'm sorry Lardy but I don't know why you wish to express made up positivity when he clearly states how he will witch hunt specific people and then follow it up with the claim  "I know how to act in all situation". They're not laughing at him being a copy pasta machine. I think most of the people who replied saw the obvious absurdity in this application that they just can't take this seriously anymore after him applying monthly with the same mentality. 

My reply has personally changed from application to application.
In his first application I was positive for him to receive a chance but he got denied. In the second one I saw he didn't change and I was sceptical but felt he could still earn it if he put in some effort. Now on this one, I don't even know what to say anymore. I think most feel the same.

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Interesting report William and smart as always.

What about him recently ?
Simple, Creepy is one of the most active on Nide and UNLOZE so as active and as knows player he did mistakes, especially because he is leader in game.
The problem with Creepy is he doesn’t knows to shut up and always open his mouth in events even if he is not  Involved.

but the fact is, even if I agree that was sometimes selfish, did his best as player and not as troller.

Maybe my memory is wrong and you guys knows that I’m an old papy xD but if I’m right:

- he never knifed.

- he never trolled on purpose.

- he never cheated.

- he never spammed sounds in mic.

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Oh c'mon Lardy, you should know that activity and abiding by server rules arent the only thing to look for when choosing an admin. The admin position is about putting your own personal feelings aside and working towards the benefit of the whole server. He mentioned about going after a person in his application even, do you really think he can act in an unbiased manner when he has a raging hate boner for multiple people within the community?

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It's just server admin. It's not like they can't take it away from him if he goes on a vendetta like you assume he will. I wish you the best of luck, Creepy. You will have to do everything perfectly or else these vultures will be on your ass immediatly ?

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