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i wish you the best and hope you can find a solid ground to step onto in the real life, i hope you can make the change and achieve whatever goal you want, i just wish you could forgive me if i ever said something rude or harsh towards you and know that i never meant whatever bad thing i said since i just say them as jokes to lighten up the mood and make sure you come pay us a visit from time to time nide will always be your second home and thank you.

Edited by Get into the Flushr
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May God bless you. You are a great guy and did a perfect duty. I will remember you in my prayers. May all your troubles soon be gone. You are one of those great guys whom are we gonna remember in great words. May God bless you. 

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I also want to add 1 more thing. I know that I've been rude to you a lot of times calling you names and many other insults. Please accept my apology I'm trying to be better and less toxic everyday. And once again Good luck. Sad to see someone like you go like that.

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Anwar my guy, you will definitely be missed. Sad to see u part with us especially since I kinda recently gotten back in the server, so you and I haven't really had the time to bond. You are a great guy anwar, never forget that you have friends here if ever. Best of wishes and good luck in life. 

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  • Technical Administrator

OMG i wasnt expecting that at all.

I hope your situation will be better for you in a near future, focusing yourself on your personal life rather than the virtual world. You were a really good server manager that learns really fast with an open mindset. Whenever you feel like you want to come back, do not hesitate and contact us !

You will be missed by a lot of people, goodbye friend.

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